Intelligent solutions

Intervention methods
Sectors of activity
Completed projects

At the forefront of our endeavors lies the digital transformation of our environment.

Our engineers embrace the daily challenge of mastering and developing the entire life cycle of products, processes, and services.

With unwavering dedication, our multi-disciplinary teams of experts innovate and perform, turning tomorrow’s possibilities into today’s realities.

What is Smart Consulting?

Intelligent systems, factory 4.0 and big data

We will accelerate our customers' technological development by integrating all the challenges of tomorrow's world.

Discover our expertise

What is a Smart Product?

Intelligent, connected solutions

Design, simulation, testing: our experts innovate to offer you disruptive, connected solutions.

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Une approche agile et innovante

La conception d’un produit fait appel à plusieurs expertises nécessitant le travail de différents ingénieurs et techniciens. Les produits sont passés de sous-ensembles mécaniques, électroniques à systèmes complexes intégrant des blocs mécatroniques et informatiques. Pour optimiser les coûts de développement et tester tous les modes de fonctionnement, les produits sont simulés sur ordinateurs d’un point de vue structure mais également sur leurs fonctionnalités.

Ces blocs sont en interfaces avec d’autres en s’appuyant sur des réseaux de communication physiques ou dématérialisés. Le Digital permet de collecter les données, les trier, les exploiter et de modifier le comportement du produit.

An agile and innovative approach

Product design calls on the expertise of a number of different engineers and technicians. Products have evolved from mechanical and electronic sub-assemblies to complex systems integrating mechatronics and IT blocks. To optimize development costs and test all modes of operation, products are simulated on computers, both structurally and functionally.

These blocks interface with others via physical or dematerialized communication networks. Digital technology enables data to be collected, sorted and used, and to modify product behavior.

What is Smart Data?

Big data and real-time analysis

Decision-making, turnaround times, an intelligent, connected approach: we save you time.

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Data processing and optimization

Products are now designed to capture information, transmit it via the Internet, analyze it and optimize their behavior. This is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Objects can also be connected to each other. Most sectors of activity make use of this technology, from healthcare to home automation.

The success of a product is no longer based solely on its technical performance, but also on user behavior and needs. This is made possible by Smart Data (collecting and sorting relevant data) and Business Intelligence (translating data into vital information for decision-making).

What is the Smart factory?

Factory 4.0

Machines, people and processes for the factory of tomorrow.

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Controlled, connected production

Product industrialization has evolved considerably in recent years, moving from factory 1.0 (mechanization) to 4.0, integrating digital technology and connecting people, products and processes. Production is currently undergoing profound transformations. Technological innovations have made it possible to reduce manual labor and boost productivity and quality. Production lines are now connected to optimize manufacturing processes.

The trend towards ultra-customization is generating new design and, above all, industrialization constraints.

Le Smart Consulting, c’est quoi ?

Système intelligent, usine 4.0 et big data

Nous accélerons le développement technologique de nos clients en intégrant tous les enjeux du monde de demain.

Découvrez nos expertises

Le Smart Product, c’est quoi ?

Solutions intelligentes et connectées

Conception, simulation, tests, nos experts innovent pour vous proposer des solutions disruptives et connectées.

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Le Smart data, c’est quoi ?

Big data et analyse en temps réel

Prise de décision, délai de traitement, approche intelligente et connectée : Nous vous faisons gagner du temps.

Découvrez nos expertises

Le Smart factory, c’est quoi ?

L’usine 4.0

Des machines, des hommes et des processus au service de l’usine de demain.

Découvrez nos expertises

How we work

We offer 4 modes of intervention for your projects:

Assistance technique

Assistance technique

Avec l'assistance technique, nous intervenons directement sur votre site, au sein de vos équipes et projets. Grâce à ce mode d'intervention nous intégrons vos méthodes et vos outils de développement afin de proposer un support personnalisé.

Réalisation de projets

Centre de service

Le centre de service nous permet de mettre nos expertises à votre disposition au travers d'un catalogue exhaustif de prestations. Grâce à cette solution, choisissez vos ressources « à la carte » en fonction du besoin d'accompagnement souhaité sur votre projet. Ce mode d’intervention offre une grande flexibilité ainsi qu’une gestion simplifiée de votre enveloppe budgétaire.

Réalisation de projets

Réalisation de projets

Le forfait est une prestation dans laquelle la responsabilité entière du projet nous est confiée. Nous sommes responsables des délais, de la qualité des livrables et du respect du budget. Nous nous engageons à la fois sur les moyens et sur les résultats. Nos consultants peuvent intervenir dans vos locaux ou au sein de nos différentes agences européennes.

Bureau d'études

Bureau d'études

IT, digital, safety, mécanique ou électronique : nos bureaux d'études vous accompagnent dans la recherche et développement de vos produits. De la création à la maintenance, nous intervenons sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie produit.

Time & Materials

With technical assistance, we intervene directly on your site, within your teams and projects. We integrate your development methods and tools to provide customized support.

Service Center

The service center enables us to put our expertise at your disposal through a comprehensive catalog of services. With this solution, you can choose your resources "à la carte", depending on the support you need for your project. This mode of intervention offers great flexibility and simplified management of your budget.

Project realization

A fixed-price contract is one in which we take full responsibility for the project. We are responsible for deadlines, quality of deliverables and adherence to budget. We commit to both means and results. Our consultants can work on your premises or at our various European agencies.

Design office

IT, digital, safety, mechanics or electronics: our design offices support you in the research and development of your products. From design to maintenance, we are involved throughout the entire product life cycle.

Our experts are a phone call away!

Ask your questions and find solutions for your product development

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Sectors of activity

Discover our areas of expertise

From sensors for ADAS systems to data fusion and control laws, not forgetting multimedia and passive safety, mastering real-time on-board software and electronics is a major challenge.

T&S brings added value in terms of both its business skills and its European geographical reach. This specificity is particularly appreciated and sought-after by players in the industry, enabling us to monitor projects with partners in several countries. T&S covers a broad spectrum of technological disciplines, and supports clients throughout the entire V cycle. We offer a wide range of services: systems engineering, design and calculations, development and integration in electronics, mechanics and software (AUTOSAR, LINUX), project management, quality management (A-Spice), operating safety (ISO26262).

The medical sector is heavily invested in embedded systems: imaging equipment (scanner, MRI, conventional radiology, etc.), radiotherapy (image or breath-assisted), respirators, injectors, insufflator, endoscopic imaging, defibrillators, pacemaker, etc. The medical industry is a highly specific sector, as much for its technological diversity as for its purpose.

Backed by the sector knowledge and technical skills of its consultants, Technology & Strategy is able to offer its customers in the medical sector the most appropriate and advanced skills in an extremely demanding regulatory environment: ISO 13485, EN_IEC 62304.

The standardization of rail transport across Europe, the automation of lines and the opening up of the passenger transport market to private companies all require technological improvements to equipment and infrastructure.

T&S is a key player in the engineering of transport systems (rolling stock control systems (TCMS) and signalling systems (ERTMS, CBTC)), drawing on its know-how in electronics and critical on-board software. Our teams also contribute their expertise in mechanical system design and materials, to optimize component mass and thus energy consumption. Our expertise in functional safety enables us to help manufacturers increase the reliability and safety of their products.

In an ever-changing environment, it is important for companies to understand technological developments and their impact on industry. This is why T&S supports its customers in projects aimed at industrial site management at all levels of intervention, with regular project follow-up and monthly reviews.

Our objectives revolve around 5 dimensions: safety, productivity, quality, motivation and costs.

In this connected environment, T&S's core business is to :

  • Define manufacturers' needs through "field" analysis or analysis of existing data to improve and facilitate production processes
  • Research, adapt and implement technological solutions
  • Supporting change management and accelerating modernization
  • Training and developing operating procedures

Energy production and management are crucial issues for the decades to come, at both collective and individual levels: improving the energy mix (integrating renewable energies) to reduce our ecological footprint, decentralized management of energy production via smart grids, but also home automation and connected objects to optimize consumption within the home.

T&S brings added value in terms of both its business skills and its European geographical reach. This specificity is particularly appreciated and sought after by players in the industry, enabling them to monitor projects with partners present in several countries.

The Banking-Finance-Insurance sector is in perpetual motion, and must adapt to a context of globalization, new regulations and increased competition. Faced with these constant evolutions, the players in this market are transforming and organizing themselves with the aim of rationalizing costs, but also better managing customer relations.

Thanks to their in-depth knowledge of regulatory and tax developments, and of business needs, T&S experts optimize processes. They are also able to deploy the technical expertise and skills needed to provide innovative, digital support for our customers. Our functional coverage includes retail banking, corporate and investment banking, asset management, private banking and insurance.

Complex HMI, geolocation, hydraulic systems: special vehicles (agricultural machinery, site machinery, mining equipment, etc.) combine the most advanced technologies. The complexity of mechanical tools, coupled with the growing integration of electronics, demands ever more advanced skills.

T&S brings added value in terms of both its professional skills and its geographical reach across Europe. Our ability to work on projects with partners in several countries makes us particularly appreciated and sought-after by players in the industry.

Need training?

Technology & Strategy is also a training organization, sharing our expertise and experience to help you develop your skills.

Our expertise covers a wide range of professions in the fields of Engineering and IT. Our training courses combine theory and practice, drawing on the experience of our staff.

We tailor our offers to your training needs.

A woman engineer listening to a training session

Our Brands

Our news

Jumpstart your career with a V.I.E. contrat with Technology and Strategy Group

Why a V.I.E. Contract Can Launch Your Career: Lessons from Cérine and Meiyun

Discover the results of the technology and strategy group 2023 carbon footprint assesment

T&S Group 2023 Carbon footprint

Podcast on boomerang employees

Boomerang Employees: A Rising Trend?