Table of Contents:

More and more employees are leaving their companies only to return later. This phenomenon, known as “boomerang employees,” is intriguing and raises questions. Is it just a passing fad, or a true underlying trend? How can companies benefit from this growing trend? And what can be done to encourage the return of former collaborators? 

Our boomrang employees explain how and why they came back to Technology and Strategy in our first podcast

The numbers are clear: the number of Boomerang employees continues to grow. In France, there has been a 36% increase over the past three years in the proportion of employees who have rejoined their former company. 

This return to the roots is part of a broader evolution in the world of work. Employee aspirations are changing, with the search for meaning and a balance between professional and personal life becoming a priority. Far from being a simple back-and-forth movement, the boomerang phenomenon can be beneficial for companies. Boomerang employees return with valuable experience, in-depth knowledge of the company, and increased motivation.

The Return of Boomerang Employees: An Opportunity to Seize

To encourage returns, companies must cultivate a strong employer brand, offer a pleasant work environment, and value their collaborators. This is the case for Technology & Strategy, which has an increasing number of boomerang employees in its workforce. As Sophie Breton, Talents & ESG Director at T&S, points out, “Boomerang employees represent undeniable advantages for the company. The recruitment process is much more reliable, and the integration process is accelerated. These employees bring new skills to their positions. They have seen other environments and tested other methods, and this allows for extremely committed collaborators because their return is a real choice.

Indeed, by adopting a proactive strategy, companies can turn this phenomenon into a true source of value. Boomerang employees, rich in their experiences and attachment to the company, can become precious assets for future success.

To better understand the motivations of a boomerang employee to return to their company, we asked three T&S employees to explain their journey. In this episode of the T&S Podcast, Julie, Sophie, and François are joined by Cheima Hammi, HR Manager in France, who gives us some keys to understanding this phenomenon. 

Without further ado here is the episode dedicated to Boomerang employees :

Boomerang Employees: The Professional Adventure Continues at T&S!

Julie, Sophie, and François, three Boomerang employees, chose to rejoin T&S after having enriching experiences outside. Their journeys illustrate perfectly the company’s open-minded policy and its desire to place the professional fulfillment of its collaborators at the heart of its priorities.

Journeys that reveal a unique corporate culture

The return of Julie, Sophie, and François to T&S highlights the wealth of opportunities offered by the company. Encouraged to develop and explore new professional paths, T&S collaborators can fully thrive and bring new skills and perspectives to the company. This corporate culture promotes exchange, collaboration, and initiative, allowing employees to feel valued and invested.

Multiple Motivations for an Enthusiastic Return

If Julie, Sophie, and François decided to return to T&S, it is primarily because they were seduced by the company’s caring and stimulating work environment. Beyond the appeal of a position in line with their aspirations, they found a sense of belonging and a validation of their skills that convinced them to continue their professional adventure at T&S.

Our French HR manager explains the boomrang employees trend and importance within our HR strategy
Cheima Hammi, HR Manager in France, gives us some keys to understanding the Boomerang Employees phenomenon.

T&S, a Fertile Ground for Professional Fulfillment 

The journeys of our boomerang employees are a source of inspiration for all those who aspire to a dynamic and fulfilling career. They demonstrate that T&S is a true springboard for talent development and that internal mobility is a real opportunity for professional evolution.

Ready to Write Your Story at T&S? 

Listen to the podcast dedicated to Boomerang employees, and let yourself be guided by these exceptional testimonials. Discover how T&S can support you in achieving your professional ambitions.

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Boomerang Employees: A Rising Trend?

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