Technology & Strategy is honoured to be awarded the HappyindexAtWork World label.

Technology & Strategy and Antaes have been awarded the HappyIndex®AtWork 2021 World label following a large anonymous study conducted by ChooseMyCompany among 1,200 employees. This award recognises companies where employees are the most satisfied and motivated at work.

The global score of 4.11/5 shows the positive feelings of the teams on various criteria such as professional development, environment, motivation/management, recognition/rewards, pride and fun.

Constantly improving figures

The results of this campaign reveal a progression of these indicators compared to 2020. We are continuing our efforts. A detailed analysis of the data collected will enable us to explore new paths and complete our analysis in the months to come.

« We are proud to obtain this label in such a special context. Over the past few months, we have been able to demonstrate our agility, attention and reactivity in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of our teams.It is a source of satisfaction to receive such positive feedback from our employees. The opinions submitted by our teams complete our reflections on the actions to be taken to face our new challenges. »

Virginie Groussard – VP HR Technology & Strategy Group


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