Technology & Strategy is honored to renewal of its TISAX® label.

T&S is proud to announce the renewal of its Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange label, more commonly known as TISAX. 

This recognition attests our commitment to information security and, especially, in the automotive industry.

Foundations of the TISAX® Label

Established under the initiative of the VDA (Automotive Industry Association) the TISAX label is managed by the ENX Association ( 

Based on an Information Security Management System (ISMS) similar to the ISO 27001 standard, it addresses various aspects, from information security to the protection of prototypes and personal data.

T&S and TISAX® labelisation

With the aim of meeting the high requirements of its automotive clients, Technology and Strategy began the TISAX® certification process four years ago.

This project has transformed the company's information system, uniting teams around standardized operational processes.

Current Scope of the TISAX® Label at T&S

The label, reached with the assessment level 3, covers the group's site in Schiltigheim as well as the engineering sites in Schiltigheim, Stuttgart and Hanover. 

It encompasses areas such as information security, prototype protection, compliance with EU GDPR for data protection, management of test vehicles and ensuring high availability of the information system.

The Assessment was conducted by an audit provider, in this case the TISAX audit provider Bureau Veritas Certification.

The result is exclusively retrievable over the ENX Portal at

Tangible Benefits for T&S:

Beyond compliance, the TISAX® label provides T&S with tangible benefits. 

It maintains customer trust by ensuring data protection and enhances the overall security level of the information system. Thus, the TISAX assessment process aligns with T&S's ongoing commitment to improving information security. Crucial to the critical sector of the automotive industry.

With the TISAX® label in hand, Technology and Strategy joins a community of organizations dedicated to enhancing information security in the automotive industry. This commitment reflects our high level of requirements in terms of information security.


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