After last month’s testimonial from Yoann, test and validation engineer. In this new episode of our “Job Of The Month” series, we invite you to learn more about the T&S experience of Brice Ducardonnoy, Scrum Master and Embedded Software Developer in Bordeaux.

Could you tell us about your job?

So, currently I am in what I call an “indefinite mission”, that is to say that the client for whom I work takes on consultants for sometimes several years and I currently wear two hats : that of embedded software developer in the design office and that of Scrum Master within the team.

Could you describe the team you work with ?

We’re a small team of about 6 or 7 people. It’s made up of a project manager, the lead tech, the Scrum Master (me in this case), an integrator and then other people involved in software development.

What do you like most about your job?

What I like most about my job is the variability of what I do. First of all, technically, I refused to specialize because I wanted to be, as much as possible, what we call a Full-Stack developer. It wasn’t to fill in lines on my resume, it was really out of interest. I’m someone who can quickly get bored. I need to be able to change technology and application environment easily. On top of that, I enjoy management, so through my position as Scrum Master, let’s say, I’m managing again.

Then the fact that I’m a consultant for T&S, even though I’m working at the customer’s offices, allows me to play certain roles on the T&S side. For example, I’m CCM, what T&S also calls Key People, for the Bordeaux agency. In other words, part of my role is to maintain the bond and support between all our consultants, and this adds something to the variability of the tasks I perform.

What does T&S do to forge bonds with consultants on customer sites?

Being the only agency consultant on the client’s site can lead to problems of “schizophrenia”. In other words, I’m a member of the client’s team, but I’m also a member of T&S.

As a result, we’ve set up several initiatives. For example, on Thursday lunchtimes, we have a “board games & junk food” lunchtime.
We have regular afterworks, and we try to ensure that consultants can come to the agency at least one day a week, again when this is possible. In the end, the prevailing constraints are those of the client.

It’s a job for both parties, really. There’s the management and HR side, which implements things through events, afterworks and so on. Then, there are also efforts to be made on our side, like Thursday lunchtimes, when we have to make the effort to come.
It’s really important, essential even, if we’re not to feel completely detached from the agency. Considering our colleagues at the agency, we’re delighted to maintain this bond. We’re a really close-knit group and there’s a great atmosphere. We’re delighted to be able to get together some days a week in this way.

What are the benefits of working for T&S?

The big advantage of working at Technology and Strategy is that the managers and HR people listen to the consultants. I myself had set some conditions before I was hired. I immediately informed my manager and human resources that I needed flexibility in my working hours, that I needed to be able to work remotely. They gave me the rules in advance, saying that remote working depended on the customer, but that we were open to it. Flexibility of working hours depends on the customer, but in general, they’re open to it too, and so far these “promises are met”.

Would you recommend T&S to young graduates?

The advantage of an ESN, and I realize this now, at over 30, is that it allows you to make a real leap in your technical skills. You get to vary and mature, because you can change teams and environments more quickly, so you learn to adapt. It’s a real game-changer.

Previous episodes:

Yoann ingénieur test et validation chez technology et strategy

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