T&S is a company that places a strong emphasis on the professional development of its employees. Indiana, who started as an administrative assistant, is a concrete example of this success. Her career illustrates the opportunities for evolution and internal mobility offered by T&S. Here is her T&S Success Story!

First day at T&S: A Warm Welcome and Varied Missions

Indiana remembers perfectly her first day at T&S in October 2018. She quickly found her place in her new role as an administrative assistant. Her missions were varied and allowed her to discover the different departments of the company.

“I started with the switchboard, phone calls and travel reservations, and then went on to process expense reports, managing the vehicle fleet. It was a very enriching position that allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills and my sense of organization.”

A Desire for Evolution and Opportunities

After two and a half years in this position, Indiana felt the need to challenge herself and explore new opportunities. She expressed her desire to evolve within T&S to her HR manager.

Her versatile profile and her in-depth knowledge of the company's services made her an ideal candidate for more operational positions.

“I've always been curious and wanted to discover other aspects of the company. I knew that T&S offered many opportunities for career development, and I didn't hesitate to share my ambitions with my managers.”

Trials and Discussions to Find Her Way

T&S took Indiana's motivation into account and offered her several options for her to evolve. She spent several half-days in different departments to discover their activities. These trials allowed her to better understand her aspirations and identify the areas that interested her most.

“I first spent half a day with the training department, which allowed me to discover the job of training officer and the challenges of this field. However, I wasn't very enthusiastic about it, and my HR manager at the time could tell. He then suggested that I capitalize on my language skills. So I spent two half-days with the German recruitment department, which confirmed my interest in this type of mission.”

After numerous discussions with Michael, Indiana met David, the head of the German recruitment team. David presented her with the challenges of the job and the skills required. Indiana was convinced by this challenge and began her training in January 2021.

A Successful Switch to the HR Department

In 2021, Indiana joined the HR department as a Talent Acquisition Business Partner. This career change let her leverage her skills and analytical mind.

“I really enjoyed my role as a recruitment officer. I had the opportunity to meet passionate candidates and support them in their job search. I also developed my skills in sourcing, pre-qualification, and interviewing.”

Over time, Indiana evolved within the HR department. She took on team support, ensuring the well-being of the consultants and the success of their projects. Since January 2023, she has been HR Business Partner & Team leader.

Lessons Learned and Advice to Share

Indiana emphasizes the importance of perseverance and risk-taking in the search for professional development. She encourages employees not to limit themselves and to explore the different opportunities offered by T&S.

“Don't be afraid to share your ambitions with your managers. T&S is a company that encourages its employees to evolve and develop. Don't hesitate to seize the opportunities that come your way.”

Continuous Evolution and Ambitions for the Future

Indiana is now a confirmed and appreciated HR professional at T&S. She plans to continue her evolution by specializing in team monitoring and developing her coaching skills. Her career is an inspiring example for all employees who wish to evolve within the company.

“I would like to thank all the people who have supported me throughout my career at T&S. I am particularly thinking of Michael Brandstetter, Fabrice Tricaud, Nathalie Roussel, David Greim, and Aline Wolf, who believed in my potential and encouraged me to evolve. But also all my colleagues, with whom I have the pleasure of working every day and who contribute to creating a stimulating and positive work environment.”

Indiana's Success Story demonstrates T&S's commitment to promoting internal mobility and the professional development of its employees. Her career is a source of inspiration for all those who wish to evolve and flourish within the Technology and Strategy Group.


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