The V.I.E. program (Volontariat International en Entreprise), is a fantastic opportunity for young professionals to gain international work experience abroad. But how exactly can a V.I.E. contract propel your career? Let's take a look at the experiences of Cérine Bouziane and Meiyun Zhang, two employees on V.I.E. contracts at Technology & Strategy, to see why this program might be the perfect springboard for you.
Cérine highlights the chance to "work for a large company and strengthen her language abilities." V.I.E. placements often involve working for prestigious organizations, giving you valuable experience on a global scale. Meiyun echoes this, saying "it gives you the opportunity to develop your professional skills as well as discovering another country and another culture!" The chance to hone your skills in an international environment makes you a more attractive candidate to future employers.
Cérine shares how the V.I.E. program "pushed me out of my comfort zone, giving me greater self-confidence and independence.". Living and working in a new country can be daunting, but overcoming these challenges builds resilience and resourcefulness. Meiyun's biggest takeaway was her "ability to adapt and communicate," a skill highly sought after in today's globalized workplace.
Cérine points out the V.I.E.'s ability to help you "develop an international professional network." These connections can be invaluable throughout your career. Meiyun emphasizes how the program "reinforced my belief that it is entirely possible to have a rich and interesting career path," both geographically and within different industries. The diverse experiences offered by V.I.E. contracts open doors to a wider range of career opportunities.
Both Cérine and Meiyun consider the V.I.E. program a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." It's a chance for personal and professional growth that will stay with you for years to come. If you're looking to take your career to the next level and broaden your horizons, a V.I.E. contract could be the perfect solution.
Inspired by Cérine and Meiyun's journeys? We encourage you to take the leap and explore the V.I.E. program!
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Contact usTristan joined T&S after a background in international relations and freelance experience in project management and production within the video game industry. Drawn by international opportunities and T&S's values, he started as a recruiter, where he gained an understanding of embedded systems and engineering roles. He quickly transitioned to a technical project manager role, developing teams and driving innovative projects, particularly in AI and machine learning. He takes pride in collective achievements with his team, notably the expansion of a key client account. Looking ahead, he aims to continue working on cutting-edge technologies while contributing to the structuring and development of teams.
READ MORETechnology & Strategy a mis en place un programme de mécénat annuel pour soutenir des projets ayant un impact social ou environnemental fort. Nos collaborateurs ont été invités à proposer des organisations qui bénéficieront d'un soutien financier. Cette initiative permet à l'entreprise de consolider son engagement en matière de RSE, de favoriser la solidarité entre les collaborateurs et de contribuer à un monde plus équitable.
READ MORELa ligne de production expérimentale Industrie 5.0 d'Englab, révolutionne la fabrication en combinant la collaboration homme-machine, l'IA et l'automatisation pour optimiser les processus, augmenter la flexibilité et améliorer la qualité des produits. Pour en savoir plus sur ce projet, lisez l'article ci-dessous.